Oright, I hope you are all good. I see the weather in England is pretty grim at the moment, as much as I would love to rub it in on you I refrain from doing so. This is the time of year where all the hard work is done and it will pay dividends in the summer, like they say winter miles make summer smiles! I hope you are getting out there though and making the most of it, and…
I did the first 10 day block of training and it has been pretty hard, I managed to complete it but I could tell it was a bit to much for the first block of the winter and especially for me at the moment. It’s hard when you are out here to not do to much as the weather is so good but you have to think what’s best for yourself and be smart as in the long term it…
I’ve finally got settled out here in Spain now and have started my preparations for the 2013 season, I started training properly on the 1st November. I’ll tell you one thing I’ve found it’s amazing how much harder training feels after a break compared to just before you’re A race. I’m sure I’m not the only one though who’s finding it tough but you have just got to man up and get on with it. Plus at least being out…
This season has certainly had it’s ups and downs starting off in March where in my first race of the season I had an absolute nightmare when the day before the race my bike decided to break and I had to ride with only two gears the 54/11 or 42/11 before borrowing a spectators bike and finishing the bike off. Then in April I felt like I was getting into some good form but disaster hit again and I had…