Rubicon Middle Distance

Race Report

The plan was to have a good hit out but not kill myself, I went into the race without tapering as the plan was to start easing it down after the race which would leave me with 2 weeks to then freshen up and hit top form at Weymouth.

The Rubicon went well for me, although I had a bad swim start getting swam over by god knows how many people I managed to get into a good rhythm and swim myself up to 4th place by the end, including one relay team and not far behind 1st and 2nd.

Onto the bike and my legs felt quite heavy and I have to admit my power was quite a bit lower then I had expected it to be but I think after the training I had been doing leading into the event that’s expected. By the end of the bike I started feeling better and my power came up by a few minutes, I felt as though I could have easily gone for longer but not much harder and finished the bike averaging Ironman power.

I felt pretty good on the run and settled into a rhythm knocking out sub 6 minute miles quite comfortably. The lead relay team caught me towards the end of the first lap and I upped my pace a bit but he was running a bit to fast. I’m not sure if I would have been able to keep up with him if I gave it 100% but if I was able to I would have certainly ended up killing myself in trying to. So I ended up winning the individual race but unfortunately he relay team beat me and due to me saying that if a relay team beat me I would wear a dress I ended up having to wear a dress on the podium!

I couldn’t go all the way to Harrogate without going to the legendary Bettys Cafe!

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