I hope everyone had a great christmas and new year. I thought I would get around to doing a new blog post to let everyone know what I’m up to! First of all I would like to announce my sponsors for the 2016 Season: New Sponsors: Zone 3- http://www.racezone3.com Alto Cycling- http://altocycling.com Recon- http://www.reconinstruments.com/products/jet/ TORQ- https://www.torqfitness.co.uk Existing Sponsors staying on: Boardman Bikes- https://www.boardmanbikes.com Endura- http://www.endurasport.com Rotor- http://rotorbike.com Luke 1977- https://www.luke1977.com Mail Big file- https://www.mailbigfile.com I would like to thank the…
After Kona I went on a road trip around California with my girlfriend Laura. It was a great way to unwind after a long season and I really enjoyed myself. Since getting back from America I’ve had a bit of time to reflect on the whole Kona experience and also on what I want to achieve next year. First of all Kona: The atmosphere in Kona is absolutely amazing, I’ve never experienced anything like that in any other race. As…
If you don’t have a coach and would like a training plan I will be doing the following which may be of interest to some of you. I currently coach two run sessions (one track, and one tempo style session) and one cycling trainer session every week. This Winter I’ll be coaching: 3 Swim sessions 1 Bike Sessions 2 run Sessions I join in with these sessions so if you want to do the same 6 sessions a week as…

So that’s my first Ironman World Championships completed. I made a short race preview video in the early hours of the morning of the race…